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Common Problems In Pups
Try to collect the freshest stool sample 4 vet appointments
(This can make your vet appointment cheeper).Stool samples can
be kept up to 24 hours if kept cool (NOT FROZEN).So that you may better understand the problems pets can have and what signs
to look for. Some vets offer free 1st exams just call around.
 Please Look Below For More Info

Pup Won't Eat- Offer can food or Chicken Noodle Soup. Cottage Cheese as a treat will prevent stress related problems.


Change Of Food- Any change in food can cause diarrhea, Loss Of Appitie. Cottage Cheese may be helpful and kaopecate.


Seperation Anxiety - Treatment Lots Of Love and comfort zone found at any pet store. The moment the puppy has the slightest idea that it is going to be kept in isolation, it becomes very anxious. This is what is called as puppy separation anxiety. Most puppies dislike isolation or separation. The separation in most cases results in unwanted behavior Certain anxieties in dogs are normal. For example, when you bring a new pup home, it usually cries for a few nights as it adjusts to life away from littermates. During the critical learning period from about 7 weeks to 4 months, puppies -- like human infants -- need almost constant attention as they seek a secure position in your family's pack." But over time, you should leave your dog alone for increasing periods of time so it doesn't form unhealthy attachments to you or other family members. Pups Can Also Have Loss Of Appitie, Vomiting, Depression, Extreme Whinning, Sleeping, Loose Stools. Cottage Cheese as a treat may prevent an stress problems.


Worms- 95% of kittens and puppies are born with intestinal worms! These parasites can cause vomiting, diarrhea, bloody stools, loss of weight, stunted growth, death, depession, loss Of Appitie. There are 3 main types of worms please look below. Pups are supposed to be dewormed 2,4,6,7,8,9,10,12,14,16,18,20,22 wks of age. A second dose of wormer is usaually done 1 week following 1 st dewoming when pups are started at an older age. Dewormer can be obtained from your vet, pet store, feed store, walmart. Nemex 2 or Deworm 120 are the best over the counter brands and will cost about $10. Any product that treats for both rounds and hooks should be a good product. Roundworms- are intestinal parasites that can infect either dogs or cats. They are relatively large worms (up to 10 to 12 cm in length). Roundworms are especially dangerous to puppies and kittens.  The signs of roundworms vary depending on the number of worms present and the animal's age and general health status. Some animals may have roundworms without having any outward signs. Other animals with roundworms may have a variety of outward signs. Roundworms can cause distension of the small intestine because of their large size. This distension often leads to colic, poor gut motility, abdominal pain, and inability to utilize food. The abdomen may appear bloated. The pet may refuse to eat, vomit, have scanty bowel movements, and become weak. Due to the parasitism, the pet may be thin and malnourished. The pet also could be coughing due to the body's response to the migration of the roundworms following infection. During the first few months of life, infected newborn puppies and kittens may refuse to nurse and will deteriorate rapidly. Entire litters may be affected. Hookworms-are parasites of the small intestines. Several species of hookworms are found in dogs and cats. Some hookworms suck significant amounts of blood from the host animal while others remove only small amounts of blood. Hookworms have large mouths with hook-like teeth to attach to the lining of the intestine and to allow them to suck blood. Hookworms may have a bend or curve in their bodies, giving them a "hook" appearance. Some people believe that the hook-like teeth led to the name "hookworm" while others think it was the appearance of the body.What Are The Signs? Signs of hookworms vary, depending on the number and species of hookworms present, the amount of blood loss, and the age of the animal. Some animals may have hookworms without any signs while others may have life-threatening blood loss. Signs include pale gums and tongue (mucous membranes); dark, tarry bowel movements (melena); diarrhea or constipation; or sudden death from blood loss, blood in stool, vomiting, loss of appitiate. Puppies and kittens are more likely to die from hookworm infection than are adult dogs and cats. Some animals may cough because the hookworm larvae migrate through the lungs. The animal may appear to be "unthrifty" with poor body condition and hair coat. Tapeworms- See Your Vet Or "NoMo Tape Worm" Found at pet stores .Tapes are flattened intestinal worms that are made up of many small segments about ¼ – ½ inch (3-5 mm) long. Tapes resemble grains of rice. Unlike roundworms that live freely in the intestinal tract, tapeworms attach to the wall of the small intestine by hook-like mouthparts.Tapeworm segments are only passed intermittently and therefore are often not diagnosed on routine fecal examination If you find any segments, white or golden color, bring them to your vet for a definitive diagnosis.
Coccodia- Antibotics From Vet is the best option. Sometimes cottage cheese will also treat this problem. Coccidia are tiny internal parasites (Eimeria spp) that live in the cells of the sheep's intestines. The tiny cysts containing the infective stages are passed in the feces, feed and water, stress. The number of parasites that invade the intestinal tract determine the severity of disease that results in the condition called coccidiosis.Coccidia are considered internal parasites but are resistant and non-responsive to dewormers used for internal parasites. Practically all animals tolerate a low level of coccidia with no adverse effects. A high level of coccidia damages the intestinal lining resulting in improper or reduced absorption of nutrients and weight loss. This damage can also result in bloody and dark diarrhea, causing dehydration and death. In some cases, very little diarrhea, if any, has been observed. Stress induced from changes in weather or sudden changes in feeding, Pup being new to your family, Seperation Anziety, will often result in a severe coccidia outbreak.

Giardiasis- is a diarrheal illness caused by a one-celled, microscopic parasite, Giardia intestinalis (also known as Giardia). Once an animal has been infected with Giardia, the parasite lives in the intestine and is passed in the stool. Because the parasite is protected by an outer shell, it can survive outside the body and in the environment for long periods of time.During the past 2 decades, Giardiainfection has become recognized as one of the most common causes of waterborne disease (found in both drinking and recreational water) in the United States . Giardia are found worldwide and within every region of the United States. Giardia infection can cause a variety of intestinal symptoms, which include Diarrhea /Gas or flatulence/Greasy stools that tend to float /Stomach cramps /Upset stomach or nausea. These symptoms may lead to weight loss and dehydration. Treatment- See Vet 4 Antobotics



Crud ( Can be mistaken for parvo ) known to vet as cambry."The Crud" is a Bacterial overgrowth in the digestive tract. It will sometimes test low positive for Parvovirus. It is NOT a new form of Parvo although symptoms are quite similar to parvo. Crud dogs do not have a high temperature, nor will they have intestinal lesions. If a normal fecal is run on feces which are not quite to the watery and bloody stage, it will show a very high bacterial content and will be negative for parvo (usually). Dogs are alert, hungry, energetic. Normal feces starts with mucus sheath, continues to get progressively softer until becomes explosive diarrhea. Vomiting may or may not accompany. Feces have a sweet/flowery aroma along with a "slaughterhouse-on-a-summer-day" smell. Feces are *usually* mustard colored then become bloody. Dogs dehydrate at an astounding rate.Treatment- See Vet For Antibotic sometimes kopectate will work.



Parvo- The canine parvovirus can be transmitted by direct contact or indirectly by contact with vomit, diarrhea or any contaminated discharges from an infected dog.Parvo is also an airbourne viruis. From the time a dog is 1st exposed it only takes 5 to 7 days to strike. Parvo only takes 24-48 hrs to kill a pup from the 1st onset of symtoms. It strikes with a quick vengeance, and pet owners often make the comment that their dog was up and playing a few hours prior to the animal becoming extremely ill. Unfortunately, parvo is often fatal.The symptoms of Parvo include... a sudden onset of vomiting, bloody diarrhea, dehydration, lethargy, high temperature and sometimes sudden death.  Parvo test can not be done untill 2 weeks after booster is recieved or you may get a false postive a blood test is the acurate way. Crud (Cambry), Boosters can cause false reading. Boosters include the parvo viruis and the parvo test is designed to pick up the virius. It takes 2 weeks to run the pup system. Parvo pups will not eat or drink and will run a high temp. Pups should have a fecal to check for coccida or cambry or worms. False postive from booster usally reads a very high postive but pup is not running a temp sometimes pup is still eating and drinking.


Kennel Cough- Also known as cold see vet for medication or sometimes any child cold and cough medicine will work. Symtoms include runny nose, temp, cough, congestion, sniffles, snezzing.



 (Information has been compiled from years of dealing with this problem. This information is what has worked in the past. Information should be taken to any vet who is treating animal.)
